Mangools Review 2024

updated on
August 4, 2023
Overall 4/5
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  • Convenience
  • Responsive support
  • Lots of value
  • Intuitive
  • Awesome link index
  • Cons

  • Some tools seem unnecessary
  • Lack of integration
  • Missing some advanced features
  • Get a Free Trial Today
    Disclaimer: A few of the links you'll stumble upon here are my affiliate buddies. Meaning, if you decide to join their premium crew, I might get a little thank-you bonus – without any extra penny from your pocket! Just know, I only give shout-outs to tools and products I truly believe in and have used.

    What makes SEO so lucrative? It’s the fact that once you start ranking well, the leads come pouring in. 

    All the time and money you spent writing content, optimizing your website, and learning what exactly a “canonical tag” is… It all pays off.

    But before you cash in on that sweet ROI, you need to pay up first. SEO isn’t free. To do it right (and within a reasonable timeframe), you need the help of various SEO tools. Tools to research keywords, find backlink opportunities, and track rankings.

    Well, what if you don’t yet have the funds to pay an SEO agency or buy an expensive DIY tool like Ahrefs?

    Mangools is a budget-friendly tool that packs a ton of SEO features into one. I’m talking 5 SEO tools, all bundled at one cost. It’s a subscription-based platform that makes SEO approachable and budget-friendly for people of all experience levels. 

    Now you’re probably wondering: What on earth does Mangools mean?

    I had the same question. So I asked them. And here’s what they said:

    And there you have it. Budget-friendly SEO, 5 tools to work with, and mangoes. Sounds pretty good to me. But how does Mangools measure up to the competition?

    In my years as a technical SEO specialist, I’ve tried out a lot of different SEO tools. And in this Mangools review, I’m going to dive into how each feature works and compare it to popular alternatives. 

    Are the savings really worth it? Or are you better off paying more for a competing product? To find out, keep reading.

    Summary (4/5 Stars)

    Need to make a quick decision? Here’s a summary of how I ranked Mangools in my review:

    • Price: 5/5. Want to do SEO without breaking the bank? Mangools is the way to go. For as low as $49/month (or $29/month if you pay annually), you get access to keyword research, SERP analysis, rank tracking, and more. Mangools is affordable and functional. It’s the least expensive SEO that I’ve found to date, and despite the reduced cost, it doesn’t skip out on features. The price is its biggest draw, and for good reason.
    • Accuracy: 4/5. Easy to use and simple to understand, Mangools brings SEO to beginners and experts alike. KWFinder gives you plenty of suggestions, but the one drawback here is that it won’t give you as much data to work with as the other main SEO tools.
    • Features: 3/5. 5 tools in one sounds great until you realize that they’re not all created equally. There are one or two that need definite improvement. On top of that, the separate tools can create a disjointed experience. In future updates, I’d like to see more integration between tools. The dashboard also leaves a lot to be desired. 

    Pros & Cons

    Before you buy a Mangools subscription, here’s a rundown of the pros and cons: 


    There’s a reason why Mangools is such a popular toolset. A few of its main benefits include:

    • Convenience. Having all your main SEO tools accessible from one dashboard is a nice feature. You only need to go to one place to find keyword suggestions, do backlink analyses, or check your keyword rankings. 
    • Responsive support. As I mentioned earlier, I used Live Chat to reach out to Mangools. I got a reply promptly. This is always a good sign; if you have issues, you can trust you’ll get support. 
    • Lots of value. Mangools by no means innovates the game. It simply does what other SEO tools do but at a lower cost. With 5 tools bundled into one app, all for a low monthly cost, Mangools offers unbeatable value for individuals and agencies alike.
    • Intuitive. Navigating Mangools is really easy, even for someone brand-new at SEO. Whenever you come across an abbreviation or metric you don’t understand, simply hover your cursor over the word, and there’s usually a definition.
    • Awesome link index. With the Majestic link index, you can get a ton of data about backlinks, both for your website and your competitor’s. This integration alone is enough to justify the cost. 


    After using Mangools for a few weeks, I’ve listed its main shortcomings here:

    • Some tools seem unnecessary. The whole draw of Mangools is that it offers a handful of SEO tools for one cost. But after using it for a while, I’ve noticed that a few of these tools aren’t that helpful. It’d be more accurate to say that Mangools offers three main tools: One for keyword research, one for backlink analysis, and three others that analyze the metrics of websites, rankings, and keywords. 
    • Lack of integration. I’d like to see more seamless integration between the different tools, especially because they’re all interconnected. There’s a lot of work that could be done on the main dashboard: For example, the ability to create a campaign for a website and easily set it up with all 5 tools. Instead, each tool is separate. It creates a disjointed experience that, while not a big deal, is somewhat cumbersome. 
    • Missing some advanced features. If you really want to get into the nitty-gritty of SEO, there are some shortcomings with Mangools. While it’s not as advanced as its main competitors, it still offers a lot for the price. 

    What Is Mangools Used For?

    Keyword research? Check. Backlink analysis? Check. Rank tracking? Check. 

    Mangools does it all for one low cost. It’s a great way for those curious about SEO to dip their toes in without investing too much capital. 

    This SEO tool is marketed as a way to get the same data and insights other SEO apps offer but at a fraction of the price. 

    It’s also extremely user-friendly. If you’re brand-new to SEO, you’ll appreciate the clear dashboard and explanations with each tool. 

    What sets it apart?

    The number one distinguishing feature is the price. A monthly subscription to Mangools is much less expensive than what the top competitors charge, like Ahrefs, Moz, and Semrush

    If it’s your first time doing SEO, you’ll be glad to know Mangools offers a ton of tutorials and resources. 

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    These are all accessible from your account dashboard. You can learn more about each Mangool tool or SEO in general. 

    How It Works

    With each tool, the setup is more or less the same:

    You start by typing a keyword or domain, which might be your website or a competitor’s. Then, the tool populates with the data you’re looking for, whether those are website metrics or a backlink profile.

    To access these 5 tools, you either need to sign up for the free 10-day trial or buy a monthly subscription. 

    Key Features

    When you log into your account and go to the main dashboard, you’ll see this:

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    Click on any one of the tools to start using it.

    In this Mangools review, I’m going to explore each SEO tool, beginning with the first one: KWFinder.


    Simplify the keyword research process with KWFinder. This is the tool that Mangools is well known for. In my opinion, it’s one of the best features of the set. 

    Use KWFinder to get stats about search volume, PPC (pay-per-click), keyword difficulty, and more. 

    Here’s how it works:

    You can start in one of two ways. The first is to type in a keyword. The second is to paste your website URL. 

    To showcase these features, I’m going to use the health information website Healthline. I’ll start by using a keyword this website might want to rank for: Digestive problems. 

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    Like most keyword research tools, all you need to do is enter your keyword, target location, and language, and hit enter.

    Now, let’s take a look at what the tool generates. Here, we can see our main keyword, along with other related keywords:

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    Refine your results by adding filters. You can sort by word count, search volume, or keyword difficulty.

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    If you want long-tail variations of your main keyword, try the “Autocomplete” feature:

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    And if you’re looking for blog topics, you can sort results by “Questions”:

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    The one complaint I have about this keyword research tool is that it doesn’t give you as many keywords as Ahrefs or Semrush. However, the keywords it does find are usually high-quality and relevant to your main phrase. So, you get fewer keywords, but the ones you do get are usually better quality.

    Next, KWFinder pulls up stats about the search engine results. 

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    KWFinder gives data on the specific metrics of digestive problems and which websites currently rank for that term. 

    Digestive problems” looks like a tough term to rank for, with a Keyword Difficulty score of 60 and 4,000 searches per month.

    If you aren’t sure what each metric means, simply hover your mouse over the title. Here’s what KWFinder defines “DA” as:

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    A few other metrics include TF (trust flow, which gauges the quality of links), FB (number of Facebook shares), and ESV (the number of estimated visits per month).

    As I mentioned earlier, you can also research keywords using your website URL. This allows you to see which terms your site is currently ranking for. I’ll try that now using the Mayo Clinic page on digestion problems:

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    Not bad! At the top, you can see the keyword research tool also links to the top competitors for these terms. 

    With all the features that KWFinder offers, the keyword research tool alone is almost enough to justify the cost of a monthly subscription. It’s more affordable than other keyword research tools on the market. 

    There are still 4 more SEO tools to cover, so let’s move on to the next one: SERPChecker.


    Just like before, you just need to enter your keyword, location, and whether you want to see mobile or desktop results.

    Sticking with our theme of health conditions, let’s try shoulder pain.

    At the top, we see three important metrics:

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    • Keyword difficulty. A measure of how tough it will be to rank for the keyword. It’s based on the backlink profiles of websites that currently rank.
    • SERP Features Impact. Are you familiar with featured snippets, Google Ads, and video snippets? When Google serves up answers in the first result, it lowers engagement with other results because users find exactly what they’re looking for in the search results. The more SERP features there are on a page, the lower the click-through rate your site will get. 
    • Number of results. This one’s pretty self-explanatory; it’s the number of results that come up for your search term. Is it useful? Not really. But is it interesting? Most definitely. 

    Lower down, you see more data on the top results (with the same abbreviations we covered earlier, like DA and TF):

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    The percentage beneath each result indicates the click-through rate of each result. Unsurprisingly, the first result gets the lion’s share of clicks at 29.75%

    Here’s my favorite part about this feature: It lets you see an actual snapshot of the search results. For shoulder pain, it looks like this:

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    Want to see how your site compares to the top results? Enter your domain near the bottom of the page, and you can see how your metrics stack up against the competition:

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    Here’s my gripe with this tool: I don’t see why this information can’t be combined with the KWFinder. 

    Sure, it gives you more specifics about websites in search results. But is that different enough to warrant a separate tool? It’d be more convenient if you could use both tools in one place; then, you could see all your data at a glance. 

    Even though there’s some overlap here with the keyword research tool, SERPChecker still offers some value to an SEOer. It gives you interesting data, but it’s just not as useful as the other features Mangools offers.


    Up next is the rank tracking tool. You can use SERPWatcher to keep an eye on your search engine rankings. If you’ve tried other SEO tools with rank tracking, you’ll see a lot of similarities here.

    Here’s how to set it up:

    Start by entering your domain and location. If you want to track your Google Business Profile, too, you can do that in the “Advanced settings”. 

    Next, enter the keywords you want to track. Mangools will automatically suggest keywords you currently rank for. If you have a CSV or TXT tile, you can upload all the keywords at once and save yourself some time.

    Once you’re happy with your keyword list, you’re ready to start tracking keyword rankings. 

    And now, we wait. The dashboard won’t load instantly; it can take up to half an hour for it to fill up with data. 

    That being said, in writing this Mangools SEO review, the LinkMiner took a long time to load. Maybe the servers were having a slow day, but readers be warned: It’s not a speedy process. 

    I decided to track a page about cavities from Healthline. Once I typed in a few target keywords, here’s what showed up:

    This data was collected over one week, so you can see that the last keyword dropped one spot since then.

    The graph is a nice way to see how a web page performs over time. 

    And near the bottom of the page, there’s this:

    It’s nice to see rank fluctuations at a glance. 

    Here’s another cool feature: Mangools sends you weekly health reports about how your website is doing. Here’s an example of one I got:

    Fresh data is delivered straight to your inbox. It’s pretty convenient, especially when you’re tracking multiple websites.

    You also have the option to white label reports, which is perfect for SEO agencies. Send reports straight to clients without any Mangools branding. 

    You can load up SERPWatcher anytime you want to check in on your rankings. It’s not the best rank tracker, but it gives you enough to get by. You can also check out the top rank trackers here.


    Everyone knows that to rank well you need links. When another website links to yours, it shows Google that your content is trustworthy and authoritative. The more links, the better.

    Luckily, backlink analysis is one of the features included in a Mangools subscription.

    How does it work? Mangools pulls data from Majestic SEO, a huge database that offers high-speed results. 

    As far as backlink checkers go, Mangool’s LinkMiner rivals the top tools on the market. And the cost is included in your monthly subscription. Now that’s great value for your money.

    You can check the backlink profile of a single webpage or an entire domain. 

    Since I’m using Healthline again, the stats here are pretty impressive. 

    LinkMiner has another feature that you won’t get with just any backlink tool. It’s called Website Preview. Here’s an example:

    We can see that this blog links to Healthline. If I click this item, the following image appears on the right-hand side of the page:

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    Ever wondered why or where another website linked to yours? With this tool, you can see exactly where your link is on that page. It’s not essential by any means, but it’s a nice feature to have.

    LinkMiner lets you see the strength and quality of the links you have. You can filter results by follow/nofollow link status, Alexa ranking, and links you’ve lost.


    How authoritative is your website? What can you do to make it better? That’s what SiteProfiler is for.

    You can view the backlinks (some overlap with LinkMiner here), top competing websites, and the top content on your website.

    I have the same complaint with SiteProfiler as I do with SERPChecker: To me, it seems more intuitive to combine all the metric-collecting tools into one. 

    While I do like how the backlink information is laid out, it makes more sense to put this in LinkMiner rather than in a separate tool. 

    Mangools Chrome Extension

    What’s nice about this is it shows you data directly in search results—you don’t need to go to your Mangools dashboard to see it. I like the convenience of it. The Mangools extension is also available for Firefox. 

    Here’s what it looks like in action:

    You get all the features I’ve detailed above, but they’re accessible right from your browser. Visit the domain you want to inspect, and use the extension to see metrics, backlinks, and top keywords. You need a Mangools subscription to get the most out of this extension.

    How Much Does Mangools Cost?

    Like most paid SEO tools, Mangools offers a few pricing tiers. If you pay annually, you can save up to 40%. As of writing this Mangools review, here’s what each tier will cost (keep in mind that I’ve listed the prices for the monthly payment plans):

    • 10-day free trial: Free! I highly recommend signing up for this trial, even if you aren’t seriously considering buying the tool. It gives you an idea of how it works, and you don’t need to submit a credit card to use it. 
    • Basic: $29.90/month. Designed for single-website owners and casual bloggers.
    • Premium: $39.90/month. For those who want to do more advanced SEO on several websites.
    • Agency: $79.90/month. If you’re working on a handful of websites, this plan is designed to suit your needs. 
    Start using from $29.90

    *Price effective till 24th July 2024

    With each pricing plan, you get access to all 5 tools. The difference is how much data you can pull from each app. For instance, the Basic plan gives you 200 keyword suggestions per month. With the Premium and Agency plans, you get unlimited data. 

    Even the most expensive pricing tier is more affordable than the competing products. Mangools is significantly less expensive than Ahrefs or Semrush. If you want more details, check out the Plans and Pricing page.

    Try Mangools for Free Today!

    Thanks for checking out my Mangools review! I hope you have a clearer idea of which SEO tool you want to try. Ready to give Mangools a shot? If it can save you hundreds of dollars a year you would’ve spent on other tools and boost your rankings, it’s definitely worth a try. Sign up for the free trial and see how you like it!

    From The Author

    Terry Williams

    With over 10 years optimizing sites, I've boosted search visibility for brands through customized strategies. Currently, I develop effective SEO solutions for a top agency, immersed in the latest trends and innovations. Read my full bio.

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