Unlocking A Goldmine of Long Tail Keywords with Google Keyword Planner

• updated on
August 24, 2023
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Want to uncover the long tail keyword gems that will take your SEO to the next level? Google Keyword Planner provides incredibly powerful data to expose hidden, low competition phrases that perfectly match searcher intent for your niche.

I'll walk through a step-by-step process to use this free tool to its full potential. Learn how to generate hundreds of laser-targeted long tail keywords, streamline your list, and integrate the best options seamlessly into your SEO strategy. Let's do this!

Why Long Tail Keywords Matter

Before diving in, let's talk about why long tail keywords deserve your SEO attention.

Long tail keywords are longer, ultra specific phrases like "durable squeaky dog toys for aggressive chewers" rather than just the broad term "dog toys."

The search volume for individual long tails is lower but the conversion potential is MUCH higher. People searching longer phrases know exactly what they want and are primed to purchase or convert.

For example, someone searching "cable knit sweaters for women" is more ready to buy than a broad "sweaters" searcher just browsing. Those laser-focused long tails convert like crazy!

Long tails also tend to be less competitive. You stand a better chance of ranking well for tailored phrases that the big players overlook.

In summary, long tail SEO allows you to attract highly qualified traffic that's ready to take action on your site. An SEO goldmine awaits!

Step 1 - Create Your Keyword Planner Account

Now let's get to the good stuff - how to leverage Keyword Planner for all its long tail worth.

First, head over to https://ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner and click "Start now." You'll see options to either link an existing Google Ads account or create a new one.

My recommendation? Create a fresh account solely for using the tool. Here's why…

If you link an existing Ads account already running keywords, it skews suggestions toward those terms. You want completely unbiased data.

A new, blank account allows Keyword Planner to generate completely fresh long tail suggestions tailored to the seed keyword you input. Keep it pure!

You can experienment with these 3 options, but generally I click "Discover new keywords"


Step 2 - Enter Your "Seed" Keyword

Your starting point is choosing the right "seed" keyword that fits your overall niche.

For example, if you sell dog products, you'd enter something general like "dog toys" or "dog accessories."

If you have a travel site, you could use a seed keyword such as "vacation rentals" or "beach vacations."

This first keyword provides a jumping off point for Keyword Planner to serve up targeted long tail variants. Think of it like planting a seed that will grow into a lush tree filled with keyword fruits for the picking!

seed keyword

Step 3 - Filter for Keyword Length

Once you enter your seed keyword and search volume metrics load, it's time to isolate the long tails.

Filter the results using the "Keyword options" dropdown and selecting length. Choose 3-5 words to zero in on phrases with enough specificity to be considered true long tail options.

This filters out all the 1-2 word keywords, allowing you to focus just on the longer variants. We're getting close to striking keyword gold!

Step 4 - Scan through Keyword Suggestions

Now for the fun part - scrolling through the filtered long tail suggestions and spotting winners.

At first glance, you'll notice Keyword Planner surfaced phrases containing your original seed keyword, just more targeted and niche specific. Check out these examples:

Dog toys seed keyword > "puzzle dog toys for smart dogs"

Beach vacation seed keyword > "kid-friendly beach vacation rentals with pools"

Look through all the suggestions and add any relevant, helpful long tails into your working keyword list. This list will become your SEO blueprint.

I like to sort keywords by average monthly searches to quickly ID hidden gems with enough search volume to be worth pursuing. Shoot for at least 100 monthly searches or more per phrase.

Step 5 - Mine The "Related Terms"

Here's where the real long tail gold comes in. For each keyword, you can click into it to access a whole new batch of "related terms."

These related phrases build on the concept from that initial keyword, giving you more unique long tail iterations. It's an SEO goldmine!

For example, if I clicked into "puzzle dog toys for smart dogs", I'd find additional ideas like:

  • interactive food puzzle dog toys
  • durable treat dispensing dog toys
  • snuffle mats for dogs

Exploring the related terms for multiple keywords exposes you to the full scope of long tail opportunities around your concept. Mine those related keywords for all they're worth!

Step 6 - Prioritize Your Long Tail List

Now you've got a massive list of potential long tail keywords. Time to organize and prioritize.

I recommend creating an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheet to compile your robust keyword list. That allows you to sort and filter to identify winners.

Star or highlight the 10-20 most relevant long tails with sufficient search volume. These become your top priority keywords to actively target and optimize for.

Trying to tackle hundreds of keywords quickly leads to scattershot efforts. A targeted SEO approach focused on just the best long tails will pay off much more!

Start Gaining Long Tail SEO Traction

Rinse and repeat this process anytime you need fresh long tail inspiration. You'll have endless ultra-targeted SEO opportunities at your fingertips.

Long tail keywords really are an underutilized goldmine just waiting to be tapped into by smart businesses who take the time to research and optimize thoroughly.

Now that you're a pro at leveraging Google Keyword Planner for long tail keyword success, you have all the tools you need to mine SEO gems tailored perfectly to your niche.

Here are some additional resources:

What should you do after keyword research

How to find NLP Keywords for SEO

The best keyword research tools

The ultimate guide to keyword research

From The Author

Jacob Kettner

As co-founder of SerpFocus, I'm driven by a passion for helping businesses grow through strategic SEO. I started my digital marketing career at a boutique agency focused on local SEO for small businesses. Read my full bio.

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